Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kate Playground Full Set 2010

Jobs garden - June

Works of June

sorrel and watercress
You get to pick what sown in early May. We continue collecting throughout the month of June
It continues to clean the surface using a small growing grubber. You spend fertilizing and watering to avoid excessively. At the end of June you can begin your harvest.
the second half of May are transplanted the seedlings grown in the greenhouse. Transplants can be done on perforated plastic sheet, or more in tune with nature on the ground mulched with straw. Irrigate and fertilize with prudence in order to avoid the formation of mold and pests.

Asparagus shoots are collected bei ready for the table until no later than mid-June .. the second half of June are removed without damaging the mounds young stems. Should be weeded out the weeds in the flowerbeds. It can be planted new plants equipped with the bread of earth.

Basil can be made from June sowing in the field, in the meantime continue transplantation of seedlings obtained in the greenhouse. E ', remember that the basil is impaired by the irrigating tract.

chard - Spinach beet orthosis
the continuous seeding for both varietà.Si collects as sown in recent months. You begin to pick up the earliest varieties. It 'very useful to clean weeds from the flowerbeds.

Thistle (new entry)
sow in pots in the ground by May and June.

sowings can be made for the entire month, it is best sown in rows which allows for easy tilling the soil. The beds already sown last month should move slightly with the soil using a small spade or a grubber by hand. It 'should also do the thinning of the seedlings if they are too thick. From June to begin collecting early varieties sown in the month of February.

Cauliflower, Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts
In May sown the seed for the early varieties. In June, the first half of the varieties is sown in autumn and winter. Conduct transplant seedlings sown earlier

Cabbage varieties are sown in autumn and winter. You begin to collect the summer varieties Clean and fertilize flowerbeds planted earlier.

We put in place the supports in the open field before sowing or transplanting. The plantings are carried out in the open field can be obtained before transplanting the seedlings grown under cover .. Consider the usefulness of a good use of mulching with straw.

E 'useful work with a hoe or eradicate the cultivation area, if necessary to fertilize sparingly on the surface. Since the end of May you can gather the first fruits

bean and bean
Since mid-May and throughout the month of June is possible to sow in open field or dwarf varieties, which creepers. It put in place the support before sowing in open field or transplantation. Remember that the bean does not tolerate temperatures below 12 ° C, so in case of cold spells should be covered with the sowing of non-woven fabric or straw.

Fennel (new entry)
Since the end of June you can start sowing of early varieties.

curly endive.
Sow in seedbed and make transplants. In June, tying the plants transplanted in the previous months with an elastic band to allow the bleaching of the heads.

It continues throughout the month for sowing in seedbeds and transplanted later in the summer varieties.
E 'need to make small tillage with the use of a hoe. To avoid damaging the roots of young seedlings will be transplanted using a foraterra.

leaf lettuces
We continue seeding for the whole month is a good idea to sow seeds in rows.

Eggplant, Peppers, Peppers
the seedlings are transplanted in open field. For each plant will set a strong guardian.
crops dedicated to the reproduction of the seed will be taken to avoid the possible hybridization of similar varieties. Growing these varieties associated with: Flax, onions, marigold and other aromatics.

In May, the completed assolcatura operation that helps keep the beds clean. In However, it is necessary to maintain very clean the beds from weeds. From the second half of June, if you pre-sprouting is done you can begin harvesting the first fruits of early varieties ..

shall be maintained clean the flowerbeds. If drought conditions should remain well-irrigated crops. It is harvested by June

Complete Tomato transplants and place at home supports for varieties that need it. Remove the shoots, these can be put to embed in a muddy solution.

We continue sowing (in seedbeds and in the open air) for the collection of late summer and autumn. Individuals who are transplanted reached the size of a pencil.

Parsley is sown in rows in the open, to clean the beds sown in late summer weeds.

Radicchio and Arugula.
is sown the seed varieties to be cut in the open field of varieties which are eaten boiled.
early June Chioggia radicchio is sown early, while in the second half we will sow the Chioggia radicchio medium-early. We keep the beds clean from weeds

With the harvest period ending June

is sown in seedbeds for the end of May through June you can transplant the seedlings obtained in the sowing season in May ..

Sowing in seedbed until the middle of the month. Transplanting the seedlings can be obtained in the sowing season in May ..

pumpkin and zucchini.
is sown in the open or they start planting seedlings with bread ground. Scrupulously follow the instructions on planting distances, pay maximum attention to the development of weeds

The sowing

June Early June Chioggia Radicchio

early to mid-June

Card 2-autumn winter cabbage ( seedlings)

Savoy cabbage (seedlings)

Bean and bean vines

second half of June Chioggia Radicchio medium-early and "sugar loaf" early (nursery)

Throughout the month Basilico

Chard Beet


Carrot Cauliflower (seedlings)

Cabbage autunnaleprecoce (seedlings)

kidney bean

Green Bean dwarf

curly endive (seedlings)

lettuce eromana summer variety (seedlings)

Porro (seedlings)


Scarola (seedlings)

Celery (seed bed)


Late June Fennel early July (early varieties)

1) Number Approximate number of days ranging from sowing (seed germination) to the collection. Figures in brackets concern that crops which are carried out in poor conditions.

2) You can also do the sowing and air outlets (3-5 seeds for each

3) in air outlets Sow 3-4 seeds for each

June Early June Late Tomato

Throughout the month Cabbage Hood summer-autumn

curly endive lettuce and Roman summer




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