Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Arch Pain Wider Figure Skating Boot


Bergamo like the taste of the once
data Coldiretti: 4 000 families each day to distributors
"High quality and safe"

There are 40 distributors of fresh milk self-service located in the Bergamo province
like Milk on tap. According to estimates by Coldiretti Bergamo are in fact on average 4 000 families who buy this product every day at approximately 40 distributors located in various parts of the province, giving the opportunity to bring to the table a good quality milk and zero kilometers.
Installed in the streets, in parking lots and backyards of farms, self-service distributors of milk are very sophisticated and controlled, allowing businesses to securely, easily and at a great price, fresh milk that has not undergone any type treatment, milked pretty soon.

"This is the most direct way to consume a certain product Bergamo - Explains Giancarlo Colombo, President of Bergamo Coldiretti -. The fresh milk is fresh and perishable food that must be handled according to strict rules, but it really is as good quality and can be eaten without fear. The spread of ATMs of fresh milk is the result of a common interest of farmers and consumers because it is a concrete example of a short chain and thus reduces the middleman, to combat speculation and ensure an adequate remuneration to those who produce value for money for those who consume. "

between memories and short chain

Coldiretti Bergamo realized a brochure - titled "Rediscovering the milk '- to clearly explain the product features and suggest some simple but useful tips to promote an optimal use.
"The self-service distributors of milk - says Lorenzo Cusimano, director of Bergamo Coldiretti - is a significant opportunity to understand and appreciate the milk of the stalls of Bergamo, which has an excellent quality. They are also an essential part of the project for the construction of an all-Italian agricultural sector, promoted by Coldiretti to promote and enhance agriculture in the region ".

Among consumers of milk on tap, there are people who want to rekindle memories of past moments, flavor and aroma of fresh milk that mothers and grandmothers wore on the table for breakfast, but also people with social and environmental responsibility, attentive to the relationship between food and territory, by recognizing the value that their purchases has the territorial identity of the productions.
The list of self-service distributors of milk Coldiretti and the brochure "Rediscovering the milk" can be found at www.bergamo.coldiretti.it.

L'Eco di Bergamo - Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Chronicle, page 23


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