Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pongtoon Trailer Blue Prints

Scarola orobica increasingly niche

'Weekend tasty' to be harnessed to
His heart is pure and crisp flavor is mild but, unfortunately, is disappearing from the tables of Bergamo which are often the first to ignore their existence. The escarole Bergamo is a niche production (farmers who cultivate around the walls are now less than 10) that is valued. Hence the initiative launched by Bergamo market providing 'weekend tasty "aimed at promoting the vegetable its characteristic of our territory. "The initiative - as explained in via Borgo Palazzo - will take place in the last two weekends in February and is to enter the menus of 10 restaurants in Upper Town members one or more specialties escarole Bergamo.

Cultivated for centuries on plots of land or around the walls of the Upper Town, especially in Borgo Canale over Port St. Alexander, the escarole in Bergamo is distinguished from other varieties on the market for the particular process of whitening of the inner leaves.

sown in the open only from late July to late October is tied with a lace tuft to tuft, so that the inner leaves do not take the light and begins a remarkable maturation process. With the first cold move the plants in the basement where the gardeners disatendono the dark.

Many individuals who believe and support the initiative to enhance the vegetable Bergamo: the Department for Productive Activities of the municipality of Bergamo, Chamber of Commerce, Ascom, Confesercenti Coldiretti and the Community of shops Bergamo Alta. Here we have the exercises that have embraced the idea and will have their menu a dish of escarole: Osteria Via Solata, Trattoria da Ornella, Tre Torri, Da Mimmo, Da Franco, Cooperative High City, Marianna, The Gourmet , Baretto San Vigilio, Mimi the House of Flavors.

L'Eco di Bergamo - February 16, 2011 Chronicle


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