Flowers: In descending moon transplanted dahlia tubers, gladioli, anemones, iris and lily (pre-sprouted). In the sunflower seed is rising moon. It 's time to prune the geraniums, before taking them out: they cut the branches above a new bud, and as soon emit roots or cuttings, cut the branches can be planted in a pot or in a flowerbed where will new plants. You can also bring out the gardenias.
Friday, March 18, 2011
What Does A Jesse James Bike Cost
Flowers: In descending moon transplanted dahlia tubers, gladioli, anemones, iris and lily (pre-sprouted). In the sunflower seed is rising moon. It 's time to prune the geraniums, before taking them out: they cut the branches above a new bud, and as soon emit roots or cuttings, cut the branches can be planted in a pot or in a flowerbed where will new plants. You can also bring out the gardenias.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Fashion Show Wording Invitation
Maybe not beautiful to behold, but they are harmless and, above all, are the real engines of war against mosquitoes: it can also swallow 2,000 per night. For a summer without a bat bites taken: Now comes the 'bat box'.
As the name suggests, is a box designed to accommodate the bats and is the solution of the park Orobie Bergamasche to increase the number of shelters for these ancient mammals, whose presence in Bergamo has been greatly reduced in recent decades for reasons other than , all due to human activity on the environment.
Park is providing these days, which coincided with the awakening from hibernation, distribution of 60 bat boxes in the elementary and middle schools in the province of Bergamo. The Park invites everyone to install bat boxes, designed and built in collaboration between experts from the Wildlife Park and Forest Consortium, in all the farms undergoing restructuring, in gardens and open spaces, contributing effectively to increase the number of cavities that can be used as dens by bats.
"The best strategy to increase the number of bats is to preserve the vegetation and protect the natural shelters such as caves and hollow trees, where the specimens retire to rest, to breed and hibernate - said the Chairman of the Park Orobie Bergamasche Franco Grassi -. Unfortunately, human action a long time since going in the opposite direction. The degradation of forests, cutting of old trees and hedges, the disorder in the caves and the reduction of insect food preferred by bats, due to the use of pesticides, are slowly but surely destroying the habitat of the three families and 11 species of bats that live in our province. Practical help to protect these animals is the bat-box, which can be hung from a tree or wall of a building. Here the bats can find temporary shelter, the females can give birth and raise their young or to find a safe haven for the months of hibernation. "
It is the month of March, the best time to place the bat boxes, which should be placed 4 feet from the ground, safe from predators, protected from the weather and away from light, with no obstacles in the entrance area. The installation is better on the outside wall of the house or the trunk of a large tree into the wind. Following these precautions and with a little 'patience the bats will come and find shelter, usually temporary, but safe. "The park also has a bat detector we need to record the ultrasound emitted by these animals to detect obstacles and compensate for the high myopia that characterizes them - Grassi concludes -. We would like it to initiate a monitoring systematic bats to know them better and improve our activities to protect these unique animals, excellent hunters, over which so many legends, but in reality in our country are totally harmless to humans. Indeed, they can help to counter mosquitoes and other insects harmful to agriculture, and their feces are a great natural fertilizer. "
is not true that bats sneak through his hair - experts explain - and sucking blood. The species that live in Bergamo because they feed only on insects, including mosquitoes, which are able to swallow as many as 2,000 individuals at night.
For more information on bat boxes can be contacted Park Orobie Bergamo (Via Camozzi 111, Bergamo - tel 035.224249 - fax 035.219333 - email: @ settore.faunistico
To buy a bat box, you can contact the Forest Consortium tel. 0346-62474
L'Eco di Bergamo - March 15, 2011 Chronicle
Arch Pain Wider Figure Skating Boot
data Coldiretti: 4 000 families each day to distributors
"High quality and safe"
There are 40 distributors of fresh milk self-service located in the Bergamo province
like Milk on tap. According to estimates by Coldiretti Bergamo are in fact on average 4 000 families who buy this product every day at approximately 40 distributors located in various parts of the province, giving the opportunity to bring to the table a good quality milk and zero kilometers.
Installed in the streets, in parking lots and backyards of farms, self-service distributors of milk are very sophisticated and controlled, allowing businesses to securely, easily and at a great price, fresh milk that has not undergone any type treatment, milked pretty soon.
"This is the most direct way to consume a certain product Bergamo - Explains Giancarlo Colombo, President of Bergamo Coldiretti -. The fresh milk is fresh and perishable food that must be handled according to strict rules, but it really is as good quality and can be eaten without fear. The spread of ATMs of fresh milk is the result of a common interest of farmers and consumers because it is a concrete example of a short chain and thus reduces the middleman, to combat speculation and ensure an adequate remuneration to those who produce value for money for those who consume. "
between memories and short chain
Coldiretti Bergamo realized a brochure - titled "Rediscovering the milk '- to clearly explain the product features and suggest some simple but useful tips to promote an optimal use.
"The self-service distributors of milk - says Lorenzo Cusimano, director of Bergamo Coldiretti - is a significant opportunity to understand and appreciate the milk of the stalls of Bergamo, which has an excellent quality. They are also an essential part of the project for the construction of an all-Italian agricultural sector, promoted by Coldiretti to promote and enhance agriculture in the region ".
Among consumers of milk on tap, there are people who want to rekindle memories of past moments, flavor and aroma of fresh milk that mothers and grandmothers wore on the table for breakfast, but also people with social and environmental responsibility, attentive to the relationship between food and territory, by recognizing the value that their purchases has the territorial identity of the productions.
The list of self-service distributors of milk Coldiretti and the brochure "Rediscovering the milk" can be found at
L'Eco di Bergamo - Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Chronicle, page 23
Friday, February 25, 2011
Girdles For A Twelve Year Old
How to anticipate the spring sowing
Some time ago we dedicated a post to the various techniques of planting, you can take all year, but are just at the time that is about to open their moment of maximum spread in the gardens household. Most of the vegetables we grow in our garden, in fact, begin with the end of their growing season to give us fresh vegetables from spring, when the baskets will begin again to fill the shortage after the winter. Who wants to anticipate the growing cycle of its own vegetables can proceed Forced sowing in seedbeds, boxes or cells.
The seedlings are small plots of land where it worked fine plant for the production of bare-root seedlings can be transplanted in the ground when the weather allows. To anticipate the spring crops can be useful to build seedlings in sheltered areas or tunnels, in order to protect the plants from cold winds and frosts last winter. Even more effective, but laborious, is the adoption of the technique of sowing in a warm bed, ie seedlings in artificially heated or through the use of devices to recreate the natural conditions of ideal temperature for the proper germination of the species that are to be grown. We'll spend the near future a post to build a nursery manure heated using specially placed under the seedbed.
Semenzato open field
An alternative to the use of seedlings can be sown in boxes, ideal for the production of a small amount of seedlings. To overcome the shortage of available space in the cassette can be useful, a few weeks after germination, transplanting the seedlings in pots where they will further grow in the way of waiting for the definitive transplant in the ground.
This type of planting and is particularly suitable for those who, not having available large spaces in the garden to be dedicated to the construction of tunnels or battens, they still want to anticipate their crops, perhaps taking advantage of the ability to move boxes in sheltered areas at night to protect them from frost and outdoors during the day to enjoy the light of the increasingly longer spring days.
What use is the hot bed for sowing or at room temperature, the use of seedlings and cassettes can be employed for vegetable crops that tolerate well, transplantation, but entails high risks of failure for all the vegetables, conversely, are particularly sensitive to these cultural practices.
In this case is a particularly good seed in pots or cells, consisting of basement seeds in small pots or trays filled with potting soil (usually one to three seeds per cubicle) and the subsequent thinning, leaving a plant for each cell. This technique allows the production of seedlings with bread of land that can easily be deployed at home in the open when the weather allows, without causing any damage to the roots and to minimize the stress due to transplantation.
Semenzato repaired
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, basil, radicchio, lettuce and cabbage are well suited to transplant bare root, and then sowing in seed beds or boxes. For cucurbits will not mandatory to use the jars, given the great difficulties that the roots of these plants to take root after abrupt transplants.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Pongtoon Trailer Blue Prints
Cultivated for centuries on plots of land or around the walls of the Upper Town, especially in Borgo Canale over Port St. Alexander, the escarole in Bergamo is distinguished from other varieties on the market for the particular process of whitening of the inner leaves.
sown in the open only from late July to late October is tied with a lace tuft to tuft, so that the inner leaves do not take the light and begins a remarkable maturation process. With the first cold move the plants in the basement where the gardeners disatendono the dark.
Many individuals who believe and support the initiative to enhance the vegetable Bergamo: the Department for Productive Activities of the municipality of Bergamo, Chamber of Commerce, Ascom, Confesercenti Coldiretti and the Community of shops Bergamo Alta. Here we have the exercises that have embraced the idea and will have their menu a dish of escarole: Osteria Via Solata, Trattoria da Ornella, Tre Torri, Da Mimmo, Da Franco, Cooperative High City, Marianna, The Gourmet , Baretto San Vigilio, Mimi the House of Flavors.
L'Eco di Bergamo - February 16, 2011 Chronicle
Monday, February 14, 2011
Fruit Flys In Tortise Pen
A passion that was lost with the generation of our grandparents and, instead, is slowly returning to infect Italy, in ways often original and Community. A return
so unexpected, forcing observers to coin costume changes, a special date - gliu "Ortisti" - to describe those people, normally used in office work rather than
housewives and pensioners, who are rediscovering the pleasure of eating vegetables grown with their own hands, that you know the origin and authenticity. A fashion - if one may call it that - he's doing emulated in Bergamo, to the point that the Botanical Garden City High has had to double its domestic horticulture courses to meet the many inscriptions.
Chemicals off limits
Speaking to participants of the course, it is difficult to identify the causes of the phenomenon, but the number of students forced to take notice. It is the same type of ortisti to be quite varied: "With the exception of lawyers and other professionals - commented Alberto Magri, an agronomist and assistant
the Botanical Garden - the participants are people who are doing the most varied part by graduates in fields related to agriculture to get to the senior who has always wanted to take care of their own garden but for one reason or another
, no one has ever succeeded.
Then there are the housewives, lovers looking for some makeup, parents who want to grow with the children one or two plants on the terrace of the house. "
Different people, moved by different motivations and different expectations. John, for example, Cha is a senior looking to make money from a piece of ground under the house: "I mess commitment some time ago, without any experience.
slowly, even by mistake, I am learning to cultivate various types of vegetables and, when spring comes, I take my fill tomatoes, croissants, peas, salad. All without herbicides or other chemicals, because cultivating for myself, I have no interest in making my intensive agriculture because of the weeds if the crop is lost, patience! What remains to be genuine and without poisons. "
Even Robert, surveyor, in his fifties, has a piece of land available, "This year, with my children, we decided to transform the garden into a small garden. Actually that was his home and I
himself as a child, his aunt and uncle helped to sow and keep it in order.
Now, while working, I'd spend the weekend back on their feet. It is a hobby much more noble than the others and also an opportunity to do some 'physical activity at no cost. "
A hobby that can also be practiced on a single terrace, "I - says Maria Cristina - full-time job as a clerk and I did not even have a garden, but they told me that with some pot on the terrace and a bit
'attentions to I could easily grow some seedlings. The tomatoes and peas, for example, grow in height, but do not require too much space. Sure, I can not give up dall'ortolano spending, but some satisfaction I could take it away, we also learn tricks for flowers at home. "
Commitment to Child
The fact, then, that horticulture may have some pedagogical value should not be missed
Bruno, used with two children in tow: "I have brought you here my son and his cousin - he says - and the idea I liked a lot for us, grow some plants on the terrace of the house would be little more than a game but a game
teaching load.
Taking care of a plant, no matter how small, it needs constant attention and a commitment to child-which may offer an opportunity to learn something authentic. " As in all the arts, moreover, Ć¹ in the garden that you never stop learning. Alberto Magri, however, ensures that, after these few lessons to the Botanical Gardens, each participant will have already acquired the basics of how to grow some fruit: "shrewdness, tricks and clinical eye will then, with the experience."
PG Baggio - L'Eco di Bergamo - Monday, February 14, 2011 Report, p.. 8
Editor's note of Blog:
Friday, February 11, 2011
Visitor Church Welcome Letter
Q ualche months ago, had the idea to do a post on these mills in the valley of Borello. Abandoned mills that over the years, have become ruins.
P or the last few weeks the project was born PAN YESTERDAY : gastronomic event which starts from the mountain bread as a symbol of a culture of poor agricultural roots, but rich in good stories.
And, speaking of bread, we decided to insert a piece of research: the "Path of Water Grinders and "map of the river with location of these mills in antiquity in the valley of Borello.
the result I was born from the stories and memories of the people of Spinello, and photo collections showing the past.
Q uindi you expect
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Fotos Eroticas Lorena Herrera
tasty appetizers or as light? : D Well ... it all depends on the quantity chosen but is a recipe that is well suited for any eventuality.
This is a quick and simple dish because the prawns are lightly cooked. The
tipinambur, cleansed thoroughly, cook them in milk, a bit 'and onion oil.
Then you go all season with salt and pepper. To decorate I
fried Jerusalem artichoke chips and a tomato ginger ... (which is not to be underestimated because in the end flow cleans the whole mouth). Serve as desired ...
It could not be simpler ... of course finishing the dish with the crushed cardamom (had not lost) and one of sploveata black salt to bring out the bright colors of the ingredients.
ps: I hope to return soon with some more interesting post .... ... but always miss the time ... (

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Guitar Hero Drums Usb Dongle
Arranging identification plates of species and cultivars grown, to be placed in the top of each bed or row
Eliminate weeds that developed during the winter
Buy seed of the species to grow increasingly choosing a variety. Prepare cold
tunnels in order to anticipate the sowing of pumpkin and squash, melon, watermelon, cucumber, eggplant, tomato, bell pepper, basil, celery
Complete all processes, from the heavier ones finishing (digging, manure, addition of soil) to allow the sowing in the open or under the shelter of cold tunnel
Delimit the beds and do the work of aging.
Prepare land for planting. In
heated tunnels: to anticipate the sowing of pumpkin and squash, melon, watermelon, cucumber, eggplant, tomato, bell pepper, basil, celery
ventilate the tunnel every day and the greenhouses during the hottest hours to avoid condensation, easier hand hand that the daytime temperatures increase and also increases the thermal day / night
Sow outdoors, all the vegetables Leafy, green peas, potatoes and carrots, beets and spinach, parsley, arugula, radishes. Use non-woven fabric to protect and promote germination, sowing
Transplant outdoors, lettuce and radicchio, garlic, shallots and onions
Transplant later this month in the shelter of the tunnel with bread ground planting of tomatoes, eggplants and peppers purchased Collect
radishes, potatoes and carrots, turnips and beets, the cabbage before it rises to seed and become bitter, rocket, lettuce
detail of the work in the Po Valley where the climate is mild and you can start work even in the open field, in the gardens of the mountains and hills, however, is still time for rest, but attempts to anticipate the crops in tunnels in cold or warm greenhouse always lead to good results.
general rule is that no cultivation should take herself and repeated on the same parcel of land. This is because each vegetable absorbs nutrients from the soil in some way which completely and selectively allowing the accumulation of others. In addition, each vegetable is attacked by viruses and parasites specific that can arise in the ground if you repeat the conditions that made possible the first attack.
Then there is the division of vegetables into families with similar characteristics, both for nutritional requirements, and for health problems. So a vegetable in the rotation will not have to follow himself, but not one of the same family.
rotation on a four-year
The classic scheme: year one
*: * legumes
two years: demanding that vegetables take advantage of nitrogen fixed by legumes and a rich fertilizer (tomato, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant , cabbage, leek, celery) *
three years: on average, demanding vegetables (onion, garlic, leafy vegetables, radish) *
Beans, beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils
Improve soil fertility through nitrogen-fixing properties of their root tubercles. At the end of the cycle the roots should not be eradicated from the soil.
Solanaceae Tomato, eggplant, bell pepper, red pepper, potato
require large amounts of nutrients.
Zucchini, squash, cucumber, melon, watermelon
require large amounts of nutrients. They take advantage of abundant manure.
Cruciferae sprouts, cabbage, radishes, rocket
long-term crops (cabbage and cabbage) or intercalary (radish and arugula).
Liliaceae Onion, garlic, shallot, leek
not like a manure close.
Umbelliferae Carrots, celery, fennel, parsley
should not be grown following the Chenopodioideae.
Spinach, chard
Not before the Solanaceae and Umbelliferae.
leafy vegetables to eat raw
It 's a common mistake to repeat the same plot.
Strawberries should not be grown on the same land before the expiration of three years.
A simple idea to make the garden more beautiful
For rapid development, dig two holes 40 centimeters deep and replace the soil, where clay, with fertile soil, fresh and free of stones and rich in organic matter. Place the tubers to a depth of 10 cm.
Soil Preparation Seed Bed
To minimize the failed areas should pay particular attention to the seed beds. The
digging carried out in late fall or winter months, has turned the topsoil (about 30 cm) normally explored by the roots of vegetables and allowed the burial of fertilizers and soil to improve fertility and structure. The action of frost will crumble the clods, but especially for heavy soils (rich in clay) soils and worked for a short time, this is not enough.
After clearing the weeds grown in the cold season, trying to eradicate all the roots, breaking the clods with a hoe into smaller units operating when the soil is damp but not soaked with water.
defines the limits of the ditches and laid flower beds, one works with the rake, which is necessary to refine the soil, remove stones and plant debris, aerating the surface layer. The use of the rake does not replace the hoe and should not act in depth, but only in the first few inches of soil.
At the end, we outline the profile of the flower in that section will be slightly convex curvature with a smooth and uniform to encourage the drainage and prevent ponding.
Not to spoil the work is necessary to protect the ground and swing from the constipating rainfall, using a sheet of plastic and arelle cane or wooden boxes upside down.
Common Mistakes
At this stage it is quite easy to make mistakes, just visible at the moment, are likely to affect the production of the year: run too deep soil tillage surface (15-20 cm), or run digging only a few days before sowing, without exposing the ground that the action of the frost breaks up the particles, and helps ventilate the humification of organic matter failure to eliminate stones that impede root development and are particularly damaging way for plants that produce edible underground organs (such as potatoes or radishes) Failure to remove the lens of tolerance (gray clay soil that is impenetrable to the roots of the plants failure to generous fertilizing with organic matter to improve soil is too heavy or too loose (the results are satisfactory obtained only after the fourth year) failure to use the hoe in medium-textured soils tend to be clay or too hasty use of the rake, which is useful for moving the entire mass of the first centimeters of soil already prepared the ground left uncovered for too long, especially if dry
Choice Sow seeds
The seeds can be chosen from a catalog, the garden, or a large retailer, but the purchases should not be improvised on the contrary they have to refer to a previously established garden project, which was also provided for the demarcation of space.
should check that the seed bags are sound, not showing spots of mold or moisture, a suspicion that nothing bad preservation, and that the year of production is the one just passed. Finally, if you search for a particular variety not only should there be a similar, but look elsewhere.
Semine March
In warm seedlings can be planted any type of vegetable. In the cold tunnel or under a sheet of tissue tissue can not sow arugula, lettuce, leaf lettuce and radishes, beets (in the range from the coast and leaf), spinach. In more temperate climates, you can also groped the sowing of peas, parsley, carrots, chicory and kale summer lettuces, turnips, red garden beet, parsley, green beans, scorzanera.
splitting sowing to 10 days apart from each other helps to get a crop and scale to prevent the total loss of harvest caused by an eventual return of frost. At the end of the month are initiated
sowing in style: leafy vegetables, peas, carrots, potatoes, pumpkins and radishes, parsley, arugula, spinach, all in full field. Valerianella: fast, safe, out of any rotation. Lamb's lettuce (Valerianella milling) belongs to the family of Valerianacee. E 'vegetable undemanding in terms of temperature and rapid growth. It is sown a broadcaster on a soft, well aged, to be kept moist but not soaked. With the help of non-woven fabric tunnel or cold if they can anticipate the sowing. The sowing must be carried out on small portions of land and should be repeated two weeks later to pick up after about 40 days, a product is always fresh. Teme only stagnant water and the dry climate of summer. The thinning is done with the natural scalar product collection. Not is a vegetable to be considered in rotations follow or precede all others.
little demanding, requires no fertilizer and it arises in specific crops in succession manure as zucchini and tomato, radish produces 1 kilogram per square meter, and if well followed, with a collection climb even more. That each production cycle, and cycles in a year if they can do even four, using varieties with different characteristics. Sowing
broadcaster or files on well-honed plot, cover with about half inch of soil is soft and wet on a regular basis so as to keep the soil cool and moist. The collection also serves as a scale thinning.
When we speak of the radish is expected globular shape and the bright red color, but that of the radish is a group very varied in form and color. The radishes
spring are typical: red, pink and white, globular, oval or cylindrical, large or small, always fast growing tree.
The winter radishes have a longer growing period (60-70 days), have a pronounced flavor, and can be divided into four groups of cultivars: German Beer ", not very common in Italy, similar to turnips
Daikon" many considered unbeatable, similar to carrots, white radish root in China, always a white root, very long
English radishes, a black skin and white flesh
The winter radishes are also suitable for cultivation spring gardens in the hills and mountains.
The leaves of radishes, fresh and tender, can be used as a condiment in salads strong flavor.
The month of March is for many a month of waiting. The areas most myths have already vacated the grip of winter, but others are still at significant risk of late frosts. To anticipate the sowing to be safe from drops in temperature using the cold tunnel.
Tunnel cold
The creation of a tunnel is simple cold. The structure would be large in order to have a sufficient volume of air: minimum 80 cm wide, 60 cm to 60 cm in height and at least 250 cm in length) having the proper slope for draining water and walls such that they can be opened in the hours and days better. The frame is made with iron rods bent "U" and driven into the ground. On it you place the plastic cover that must be robust and transparent. Before cutting the plastic sheets should be carefully inspected the measures and try to keep as far as possible, the integrity of the roof. The openings should be placed on the two ends of the tunnel, or if the structure is long, with side openings on which they could act quickly.
planting distance
seeding in the tunnel
Sow in cold tunnel and then transplant outdoors: pumpkins and squash, melon and watermelon, cucumber, in planting a file with the sixth 15 x 15 cm (That is to file a distance of 15 cm and the same distance of 15 cm between a seed and the Grim), beans and green beans in rows 10 cm x 10 sixth, while broadcaster sow tomatoes and peppers, eggplant, basil, celery.
On sunny days of March the cold tunnel amplifies the sun's radiation and its internal temperature can rise too, creating problems for the growth of vegetables. In these long days and warm on the openings there is a need to ensure optimal internal conditions. Opening prevents the high humidity, combined with higher temperature, the assistant to a real plant and its boiling. It should then aerate at least once a day during the hottest hours of the day and close before the sun drops. This ensures a sufficient air exchange, and removes excess moisture that at sunset, when the sun no longer heats the plastic cover, condense on the walls. The drip would cause rot to the young plants.
baulatura We take care of the land so that the inner profile is slightly convex and allow excess water to drain to the sides. We will always dosed sparingly because wetting the soil should be fresh and moist but not soaked. Higher temperatures and the fastest growing of vegetables often lead to the mistake of too wet.
reset to be two sides of the tunnel where the protective cover to drain rainwater. If the ground is sloping in order to ensure good drainage upstream of the pit depth must be greater, as much as the altitude of the area affected by the tunnel.
Periodically check the tightness of the anchors in the ground, the integrity of the plastic cover and the resilience of the closures.
At the end of March can be planted potatoes, onions, garlic and scallions. The land must have been working well for some time and no skeleton. The depth at which you will put tubers, bulbs and cloves influence not just the end result, if too deep, there will be a delay in vegetative and stunted growth, if too shallow the plants that will grow will be more vulnerable to drought and may attract (ie lie on the ground), especially the risk of discovering new potatoes green. The tubers exposed to light produce a toxic alkaloid solanine and therefore must be discarded.
10-15 cm depth of planting potato, garlic and shallot onion 3 cm 2 cm
Transplantation of the month in March
are transplanted outdoors onions, garlic, lettuce and endive. While
are transplanted in protected cultivation and planting tomatoes and related land purchased with bread.
Periodic work
Remove plant debris at the end of the cycle that must always be removed, burned, buried or placed in compost in a special pit.
weed weed
While we provide the deep soil tillage and subsequent refinements to adequately prepare the seed beds, weeds awaken. Selezionatesi in thousands of years to go before the other plants in the race for light, nutrients and space, they tend to cover the ground with incredible speed. Annual or perennial, arising from seed or from roots overwintering weeds sonogiĆ ready to raise their heads and invade the garden. We begin to act now, when they are small, with poorly developed root system and easy to eradicate. The plant mass to be removed will be much lower.
plants with tap-root, are difficult to remove by simply pulling, or break, leaving a part in the ground, must be combated in a particular way. Should use the shovel to extract all the roots, so you eliminate the problem permanently. With a view to consumption of the product, which must therefore meet high quality features, a battle manual method, though laborious, is better use of a herbicide.
During this time you must make a good fertilizer that can be achieved with an organic fertilizer that can make even the organic matter in the soil and the use of chemical fertilizers that replenish the nutrients removed in previous crop cycles.
organic fertilizers
If we did not fall with the digging underground manure, we can use for cover now, doing one hoeing soil, having strewn the surface with a compost manure or compost made with very ripe. Organic fertilizers are necessary to support an abundant production and quality, in fact, keep the plants well fed, healthy, improve soil structure, provide a level of high fertility and prevent a buildup of nitrates due to the slow release of nutrients.
In this phase, the slow release fertilizer, resistant to leaching by rainfall and irrigation, can be used with particular success for crops with deep root system, such as cabbage, carrots, artichokes and aspargi.
The contribution of fertilizer should be proportional to the excise, and then operated also use more or less intensive land.
If you require more rounds of sowing of crops in succession in the same bed should provide an optimal supply of mature 5 kilograms of manure per square meter. For
beds used only once during the year, except for very demanding as vegetables zucchini, tomatoes and such, just 3 kilograms per square meter. Who does not have manure can be used to replace peat, compost or soil fertilized at a rate of 5 liters per unit of surface
In March you can pick up roots and left to winter in the ground like potatoes, carrots , turnips, and still radishes and beets. Do not miss the cold weather cabbage, chicory and where it was possible to sow in time using a tunnel or cold towels, the ubiquitous parsley and sedation
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Liste Zipset Kate Playground
The National was founded with the intention to represent the whole South and all its inhabitants, and especially looks forward to a future in which the southerners no longer have to emigrate to live.
The name "Kingdom of the Two Sicilies" is a reference due to the name of the last independent state in Southern Italy, beyond the obvious historical interest, the national team is a factor indentitario for southerners today that, legitimately, aspire to be architects of their destiny in person.
But we come to the game, the first half ended 4-0 in our national final result 5-3.
Markers for the Two Sicilies : Antonio Di Rauso 2 goals in 10th and the 25th of the first half, Valerio Valente 2 goals in the 30th and the 38th of the first half, Gennaro Di Iorio 1 network on the 25th of the second time.
markers for the Order of the Griffin-Young for South : Rocco Trombetta, John Vetrano, Raffaele Romano. All three scored in the second half of course.
Another success for the national team of the Two Sicilies and then getting ready for the next World Cup NF-Board in Kurdistan.
National Executive ASD Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
William of Grez, Zavala Pasquale, Carmine Colacino
Monday, January 17, 2011
Blueprint Of Historical Buildings
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Is The Water In Punta Cana Cold In January
I am finally after a long time:)
I do not know how to apologize for these delays but can not find a second time to take care of my blog ... so let's see now monotonous give us a little 'to do: D
I'll be back with a classic, Mediterranean ... juicy!
is not nothing but tortelloni (50% wheat flour-50%) filled with buffalo ricotta, sundried tomatoes, chopped olive soaking tomatoes and parmesan cheese. For the past
eggplant peel ... ... sprinkle with salt and pepper ... then pass them in the oven half an hour.
Then cut and diced and put them in a pan with finely chopped onion, rosemary and olive oil.
Season ... you can turn and mix well to stretching with raw milk ... go on until smooth and creamy and sweet ... with salt.
then pass the ravioli cooked in olive oil, dried tomatoes (if you have home-made and excellent olive oil you used) and Serve according to your taste!!
ENJOY !!!!!! and the next: D
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
What Foods Supply Creatine.
Because of such an intention ideal, plis organizes the first edition of "Theoretical and practical gardening natural" with the aim of promoting knowledge of the natural wealth of the territory and at the same time to increase the skills of the main techniques natural gardening. Also, and this is certainly more innovative and experimental aspect, the course will seek to bring out the relationship between environmental health and health of people and, more generally, will bring out the many benefits of working "green."
Program 1. Friday 28 January 2011 - at the Plis - Marne in Filago, via Don Todeschini Introduction Course: features, functions and objectives of low plis Brembo. Plant care, personal care, care for the environment.
2. Friday, February 4, 2011 - at the Plis - Marne in Filago, via Don Todeschini The vegetation of low plis Brembo and flora in the province of Bergamo.
3. Friday, February 11, 2011 - at the Plis - Marne in Filago, via Don Todeschini Measures on the collection of local botanical varieties, sowing. The work of maintenance: watering, repotting, fertilizing, special needs of potted plants.
4. Friday, February 18, 2011 - at the Plis - Marne of Filago, via Don Todeschini The design of a natural garden: our needs, wildlife and the environment.
5. Friday, February 25, 2011 - at the Plis - Marne in Filago, via Don Todeschini Benefits of Work "in green" for the health of people, society and environment.
6. Saturday, March 5, 2011 - at the Plis - Marne in Filago, via Don Todeschini plis in Recon environments with the recognition of species.
7. Saturday, March 12, 2011 - Hall Nursery - Osio Sotto Activities practical preparation and sowing of seeds at the nursery. Organizational characteristics
The course is open to all and free.
E 'but necessary to make an entry, leaving their data, the following numbers:
- Plis low Brembo - Marne in Filago, via Don Todeschini (at)
- City of Filago -
- City Under Bonate
- City of Osio Sotto
- City of Osio Sopra
- City of Dalmine
- Town of Bolton
- City of Madone
Or at the following email address:, which can be used to request more information.
The start of the course is set at 21.00, unless otherwise and timely communication.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Difference Between Lunesta And Ativan
As you know, our Association is made up of "volunteers" who run the Community Garden at the Technical Institute of Agriculture of Bergamo - via Borgo Palazzo -. In addition to the management of the Garden, the Volunteers offer their assitance during the school day of the Institute, students with disabilities, in collaboration with the Council of the Institute, and others, also play for free, their activity at School Institutes of some citizens primary order.
All costs related to the provision of specific material (seeds, materials, fertilizer, etc..) Are supported by "Friends of the Community Garden." The only
our revenues are based almost exclusively on membership shares and on the generosity of some sympathetic supporters.
This is the reason for which we ask all visitors to this site to support our activities.
for how to "support" for any further information on the activities of the Association please contact:
Sangalli Alberto - via Stelvio 6 Bergamo. Tel 035241812
We are at your disposal for a visit to the Garden, and respond to Serra all your queries.