Ask for forgiveness from those who are true fans of raw meat and would like to stop the knife. But this ... this ... I took my mom had to cook ;-)!
Also in Costa Rica is often used guacamole, cream-based Avocado (Aguacate in English ... about ... the tree is called Aguacatero and is very nice!)
The great mass of memories that I have asked to rediscover this support ... and so it was! What if
raw meat of the beautiful "sorana" (here in the Veneto in female than a year) to fully enjoy??
But let's get to the recipe ...
I have seasoned the meat with a good oil and a pinch of lemon, a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of pepper.
While the guacamole you open the ripe avocado with a spoon, remove the pulp.
Then you add the finely chopped onion, garlic spicchietto one, two strips of bell pepper (or chili), two tomato slices peeled, a little lemon juice, salt and pepper and ...
Now we open a parenthesis ....(
Then, in Central America, our parsley is replaced by "culantro" ... or coriander.
But I can assure you .... it is really used in lethal doses a bit 'higher than normal.
So I would opt for the use of parsley or chervil instead.
close the brackets ....)
Serve You follow your imagination and voila! You'll get an appetizer or
stuzicante a second light!
Buen Provecho!
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