New Year: sourdough powder ... approved! Fresh Cranberry
Solità recipe for pizza only instead of 2 / 3 grams of yeast I used the sourdough powder that I find in a store specializing in organic ... there is also premixed with the flour dust 's red mill ... 24 hours or more of lievvitazione and a result is exceptional insured ... keep in mind that this is cooked in an ordinary oven because I did not want to use the firewall, much less express .... the pizza mozzarella biodonamico farm Vaira .... went to my production ... 36 months grated cheese bought from a local organic producer ... spicy oil and basil.
I did not expect this result but I must admit that when used well, the chemical has its advantages;)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Oklahoma Drivers License Letter
?.... family secret recipe by Bonin
What family has its secret recipes ?.... may be cakes, gnocchi, moist, stews, soups etc ... etc ...
But who would have thought in a stew of beans?
When you see the grandmother to get a nice pot full of these little creatures dancing to the rhythm of the heart which is softened boil? Which face does not shine a smile?
long chat under a grape arbor eating slowly these soft tender green beans accompanied my childhood and continue to do so ... are actions that the pace of life, allow you to observe the world and can rimepirti the heart.
ingredients here they are: so many beautiful
-red onions:))) :))))
-Rosemary-A-Lard :)))))
good soup vegetable oil and butter-
:)))))) :)))))))
-sale - a long time (which means at least 5 hours on the fire at very low temperature) :)))))))))))
In a saucepan, soften so you just picked from the garden onion, then add beans and diced potatoes. It
Cook two minutes and then drown in the soup ... and here begins the wait
A very low heat with the lid resting on the bias is accampagnano these beans ... cooked, stirring occasionally and adding broth to 'occurrence.
Pass 4 / 5 hours in a pan of bacon and toast, this ready, you add it with all his fat to the beans to give it a coup.
chiaccera Meanwhile, discussing, laughing and crying and when a voice cries out: "Ready ".... all rush to the table with a plate filled with slices of toasted bread.
Try it, but I recommend the secret ingredients are so much companionship and love ... otherwise the taste will never be magic;)
Finally here is a bunch of my grapes ... who said that without chemical fertilizers and treatments you get sick and small-sized grapes?
What family has its secret recipes ?.... may be cakes, gnocchi, moist, stews, soups etc ... etc ...
But who would have thought in a stew of beans?
When you see the grandmother to get a nice pot full of these little creatures dancing to the rhythm of the heart which is softened boil? Which face does not shine a smile?
long chat under a grape arbor eating slowly these soft tender green beans accompanied my childhood and continue to do so ... are actions that the pace of life, allow you to observe the world and can rimepirti the heart.
ingredients here they are: so many beautiful
-red onions:))) :))))
-Rosemary-A-Lard :)))))
good soup vegetable oil and butter-
:)))))) :)))))))
-sale - a long time (which means at least 5 hours on the fire at very low temperature) :)))))))))))
In a saucepan, soften so you just picked from the garden onion, then add beans and diced potatoes. It
Cook two minutes and then drown in the soup ... and here begins the wait
A very low heat with the lid resting on the bias is accampagnano these beans ... cooked, stirring occasionally and adding broth to 'occurrence.
Pass 4 / 5 hours in a pan of bacon and toast, this ready, you add it with all his fat to the beans to give it a coup.
chiaccera Meanwhile, discussing, laughing and crying and when a voice cries out: "Ready ".... all rush to the table with a plate filled with slices of toasted bread.
Try it, but I recommend the secret ingredients are so much companionship and love ... otherwise the taste will never be magic;)
Finally here is a bunch of my grapes ... who said that without chemical fertilizers and treatments you get sick and small-sized grapes?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Maxine Cartoons About Retirement
Carnaroli, pumpkin flowers and taleggio
Taleggio Taleggio cheese and! if the whole world was like you would be a better world!
That unique taste, that fatness unforgettable ... the overflowing drops of fat from your belly white as m ... taleggio like you!!
And if we add a good organic carnaroli coming from the rice fields of Novara and freshly picked zucchini flowers ... a good broth and lots of elbow grease in the mix ... all in a cazzeruola ( Artusi to quote) tinned copper ... maybe we can expect something that is not divine?? Good Friends
hot at all and see you soon!! Enjoy a taste of life! :)
Taleggio Taleggio cheese and! if the whole world was like you would be a better world!
That unique taste, that fatness unforgettable ... the overflowing drops of fat from your belly white as m ... taleggio like you!!
And if we add a good organic carnaroli coming from the rice fields of Novara and freshly picked zucchini flowers ... a good broth and lots of elbow grease in the mix ... all in a cazzeruola ( Artusi to quote) tinned copper ... maybe we can expect something that is not divine?? Good Friends
hot at all and see you soon!! Enjoy a taste of life! :)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Remote Control For My Fireplace
The garden 3: garlic, datterini, zucchini and their flowers
quest'afa Sorry for the delay, but the constant movement and I have left little time to devote to cooking and this recipe quick and easy is the proof. Other
capitolodedicato vegetable and its incredible products that this month is certainly no shortage.
Given my passion for all that is behind the food and then for the land and its products I want to begin to share with you observations, knowledge, doubts and thoughts related to nature and its many facets ... never forget the kitchen
;-) But let's recipe:
As always it is totally handmade pasta, a natural drying produced with organic flour milled stone. .. so with considerable porosity ... In a pan saute garlic
(fresh in this case) in the oil and mix the vegetables are good datterini ... then add the courgettes and the end of the zucchini flowers.
Drain the pasta and finish cooking in the pan by adding the cooking water and good cheese to whip .... you will create a delicious spaghetti and cream that will cover the various parts of the sauce ...
Buen Provecho!!
;-) Now, about the garden ... one year since I started to get interested in the thought and its practical applications, I decided to transform the backyard into a natural experiment ... a totally organic garden in which there is even the word poison and fertilizer or chemical synthesis vertilizzante as if you will.
Exploits consiociazioni between the various species of plants, the soil and its microorganisms compared with compost and natural fertilizers such as wood ash and bone, grass clippings and manure classic.
Today I had the pleasure of seeing the dragonflies flutter in the meadow and knowing the sensitivity of these insects I'm excited to see them fly carefree ...
But let's start talking some plants ...
'd start with one of the queens gardens username: His Majesty the eggplant .... part of the family Solanaceae, the same as tomatoes, potatoes and peppers ... all originating in the Americas.
are important consumers, indeed, is very strong this year ... as you can see they have responded well to a fertilizer to the transplantation of bone manure mixed with ash and lime with coltivatele mature .... not only the addition of nitrogen fertilizers such as manure .... otherwise flourish but will hardly produce fantastic fruit by purifying:)
Endorsed the mixture with salad, onions and basil ... it makes it very well with the eggplant and fertilizer used to grow rigolgioso and beautiful.
The land, the land is a set of forms of life ... a great mass of living organisms (insects, fungi, bacteria, etc, etc) that settle according to their needs ... the aerobic baterri will stay on the surface while that use anaerobic processes will stay lower, away from oxygen.
From here arises the question that the spontnea biocoltivatori facing for years: that is the purpose of work, digging and dumping the earth?
has not ... that's not how you create a soft ground ... even kill billions of microorganisms that are evicted from their homes .... ever put a fish in the mountains?
The ground is weeded on the surface and all are lying Concini surface, including the compost over time .... this will lead to soft ground and full of life ... to dig the earth also is 50-60 cm in the traditional custom but the damage to microorganisms which are the basis of an organic garden is overshadowed by a deadly use of fertilizers based on nitrates that accumulate large amounts of water in the products, making them look good but heavy and tasteless .... lascatevi not fooled by common sense .... even the earth can die, even the earth is alive and killing the man that wants to profit maniacal masked by the excuse of having to feed the world ...
Also here's the nightshade family of peppers ... this needs a fertilizer balanced enough where stalactites off (thanks to the water, the nitrogen present in manure is released in the form of ammonia) with the ash of bones. All
solanacce (as the name tells us) need sun, lots of sunshine would not produce their magnificent fruits.
solanaceae Moving on to another, the king of the sun and our tables ... this is the tomato.
, too, the contribution of numerous large fertilizer and care during its vegetative life.
welcomed, and the mixture with the cabbage that will grow up healthy and without attacks by insects fond of the leaves ... the smell that you feel walking among the tomato is a molecule that removes the effect natural pesticide harmful cabbage.
thrives between sage and rosemary and even in this favorable case is the mixture with the basil in the midst of these plants will smell more than ever ... as well as the celery
Let us now Another very important family, low fuel consumption and nitrogen inputs: legumes, which for the moment there instead of juicy tongue of fire beans.
These plants do not require nitrogen fertilizers such as manure, but to them it should be wood ash and the bone will grow ... full of flowers and healthy without suffering attacks by which the mosaic virus and will not be attacked by aphids
It should be the mixture with marigolds marigolds and that have substantial benefit on the ground ... keep it under control the action of namatodi
The last place a picture of a bunch of blackberries ripening:)
quest'afa Sorry for the delay, but the constant movement and I have left little time to devote to cooking and this recipe quick and easy is the proof. Other
capitolodedicato vegetable and its incredible products that this month is certainly no shortage.
Given my passion for all that is behind the food and then for the land and its products I want to begin to share with you observations, knowledge, doubts and thoughts related to nature and its many facets ... never forget the kitchen
;-) But let's recipe:
As always it is totally handmade pasta, a natural drying produced with organic flour milled stone. .. so with considerable porosity ... In a pan saute garlic
(fresh in this case) in the oil and mix the vegetables are good datterini ... then add the courgettes and the end of the zucchini flowers.
Drain the pasta and finish cooking in the pan by adding the cooking water and good cheese to whip .... you will create a delicious spaghetti and cream that will cover the various parts of the sauce ...
Buen Provecho!!
;-) Now, about the garden ... one year since I started to get interested in the thought and its practical applications, I decided to transform the backyard into a natural experiment ... a totally organic garden in which there is even the word poison and fertilizer or chemical synthesis vertilizzante as if you will.
Exploits consiociazioni between the various species of plants, the soil and its microorganisms compared with compost and natural fertilizers such as wood ash and bone, grass clippings and manure classic.
Today I had the pleasure of seeing the dragonflies flutter in the meadow and knowing the sensitivity of these insects I'm excited to see them fly carefree ...
But let's start talking some plants ...
'd start with one of the queens gardens username: His Majesty the eggplant .... part of the family Solanaceae, the same as tomatoes, potatoes and peppers ... all originating in the Americas.
are important consumers, indeed, is very strong this year ... as you can see they have responded well to a fertilizer to the transplantation of bone manure mixed with ash and lime with coltivatele mature .... not only the addition of nitrogen fertilizers such as manure .... otherwise flourish but will hardly produce fantastic fruit by purifying:)
Endorsed the mixture with salad, onions and basil ... it makes it very well with the eggplant and fertilizer used to grow rigolgioso and beautiful.
The land, the land is a set of forms of life ... a great mass of living organisms (insects, fungi, bacteria, etc, etc) that settle according to their needs ... the aerobic baterri will stay on the surface while that use anaerobic processes will stay lower, away from oxygen.
From here arises the question that the spontnea biocoltivatori facing for years: that is the purpose of work, digging and dumping the earth?
has not ... that's not how you create a soft ground ... even kill billions of microorganisms that are evicted from their homes .... ever put a fish in the mountains?
The ground is weeded on the surface and all are lying Concini surface, including the compost over time .... this will lead to soft ground and full of life ... to dig the earth also is 50-60 cm in the traditional custom but the damage to microorganisms which are the basis of an organic garden is overshadowed by a deadly use of fertilizers based on nitrates that accumulate large amounts of water in the products, making them look good but heavy and tasteless .... lascatevi not fooled by common sense .... even the earth can die, even the earth is alive and killing the man that wants to profit maniacal masked by the excuse of having to feed the world ...
Also here's the nightshade family of peppers ... this needs a fertilizer balanced enough where stalactites off (thanks to the water, the nitrogen present in manure is released in the form of ammonia) with the ash of bones. All
solanacce (as the name tells us) need sun, lots of sunshine would not produce their magnificent fruits.
solanaceae Moving on to another, the king of the sun and our tables ... this is the tomato.
, too, the contribution of numerous large fertilizer and care during its vegetative life.
welcomed, and the mixture with the cabbage that will grow up healthy and without attacks by insects fond of the leaves ... the smell that you feel walking among the tomato is a molecule that removes the effect natural pesticide harmful cabbage.
thrives between sage and rosemary and even in this favorable case is the mixture with the basil in the midst of these plants will smell more than ever ... as well as the celery
Let us now Another very important family, low fuel consumption and nitrogen inputs: legumes, which for the moment there instead of juicy tongue of fire beans.
These plants do not require nitrogen fertilizers such as manure, but to them it should be wood ash and the bone will grow ... full of flowers and healthy without suffering attacks by which the mosaic virus and will not be attacked by aphids
It should be the mixture with marigolds marigolds and that have substantial benefit on the ground ... keep it under control the action of namatodi
The last place a picture of a bunch of blackberries ripening:)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Seating Chart For Babyshower
L and our mountains offer many possibilities: the man is able to seize and exploit to their advantage.
O oday we visited beekeeping beekeeper Melinda Baccanelli, a Tuscan gentleman for years moved to Santa Sofia, which handles the development of his bees and collects a good part of their product: honey, wax and propolis.
M Elinda is 33 years knows that the bees and now produces a high quality product from the National Park of Casentino Monte Falterona Campigna, blending modern methods such as artificial insemination of queen bees to ancestral practices .
L 'and we followed him we found out some things ...
L and our mountains offer many possibilities: the man is able to seize and exploit to their advantage.
O oday we visited beekeeping beekeeper Melinda Baccanelli, a Tuscan gentleman for years moved to Santa Sofia, which handles the development of his bees and collects a good part of their product: honey, wax and propolis.
M Elinda is 33 years knows that the bees and now produces a high quality product from the National Park of Casentino Monte Falterona Campigna, blending modern methods such as artificial insemination of queen bees to ancestral practices .
L 'and we followed him we found out some things ...
Friday, July 2, 2010
Cheapest Home Phone Servicemontreal
Let a hand
Rush final for the collection of signatures of citizens with the aim of asking the board administrator municipal and provincial expand the Park Brembo (Plis) from Bolton in Ponte San Pietro. civic committees "Another Bridge", "Isolotto Friends," "Horizon Roncola Treviolo ',' Curno the park Brembo's "and" To protect the environment and health, Gravel Bonate Presezzo Above and "fielded six more days to collect signatures in the gazebo with the following schedule: Monday to market Presezzo; Tuesday to Above Bonate; Wednesday to market Curno, Friday between the stalls of Ponte San Pietro, Saturday, July 10 and that of Treviolo footbridge in Ponte San Pietro. "Many citizens who have signed our petition were convinced that the countries represented by
civic committees have already requested membership of Plis and, therefore, confident that their governments pursue the goals of Plis - said Carlo Sangalli, coordinator of the Committees civivi -. I take this opportunity to thank all those people, really, who participated in the walk-label "Rediscover your territory," island of Bridge, which took place during a beautiful sunny day. The presence of so many families with their children, helped to create a playful atmosphere. "
From L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Saturday, July 3, 2010, page 33
Friends of the "Park of orchids" Isolotto Ponte S. Peter received an unwelcome visit .
Some vandals overnight thugs have stolen all the equipment used for the maintenance of the area: wheelbarrows, shovels, spades, rakes and other .
The Association "Friends of the Community Garden - AUSER in Bergamo will, within the limits of its ability, to help volunteers from Ponte S. Peter, recovering part of the equipment. All those who had
request the availability of suitable tools should contact
Alberto Sangalli, via Stelvio 6 - Bergamo - Telephone 035241812
who will for the home collection.
We thank in advance all those who want to contribute.
Meanwhile the collection of signatures to expand the Plis Brembo
Rush final for the collection of signatures of citizens with the aim of asking the board administrator municipal and provincial expand the Park Brembo (Plis) from Bolton in Ponte San Pietro.
civic committees have already requested membership of Plis and, therefore, confident that their governments pursue the goals of Plis - said Carlo Sangalli, coordinator of the Committees civivi -. I take this opportunity to thank all those people, really, who participated in the walk-label "Rediscover your territory," island of Bridge, which took place during a beautiful sunny day. The presence of so many families with their children, helped to create a playful atmosphere. "
From L'Eco di Bergamo - Province Saturday, July 3, 2010, page 33
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sperm Sharking In California
islet Bridge San Pietro - A botanical treasure. The first results of the project
There are in fact in the arid grasslands, the dominant environment in this particular area, in addition to orchids, other flowers and shrubs in large quantities. The rich blooms of this period, In addition, they enjoy a more spontaneous environment that has remained in its natural state, mainly from the green belt which isolates the island from the town center.
Spontaneously then the fear that arises in all of us for the future of the islet, made even more afraid to live where the administration of Ponte San Pietro presented citizens with a construction project with a "recovery" of the , but recovery is contrary to the preservation of natural species that live in contrast to the island and also with the signs inside the PTCP of the Province of Bergamo. We all hope that the administration did not evaluate other proposals targeted to building its exploitation of local resources for commercial purposes in the public interest.
islet Ponte San Pietro - A botanical treasure .
in Ponte San Pietro there is an area called the "islet", located a few steps from the historic center is characterized by an ecosystem particular that has allowed a settlement of some rare species of wild orchids. Even institutions like the Botanical Gardens of Lorenzo Rota Bergamo Bergamo Alpine Flora and the group consider this one of the few survivors now in Italy very interesting botanical / nature. The richness of this area is slightly suggested we enter the thick flora that inhabits the island and discovers a world completely natural, thanks to which, in fact, it was possible to develop thousands of years in a population very special flower.
There are in fact in the arid grasslands, the dominant environment in this particular area, in addition to orchids, other flowers and shrubs in large quantities. The rich blooms of this period, In addition, they enjoy a more spontaneous environment that has remained in its natural state, mainly from the green belt which isolates the island from the town center.
Spontaneously then the fear that arises in all of us for the future of the islet, made even more afraid to live where the administration of Ponte San Pietro presented citizens with a construction project with a "recovery" of the , but recovery is contrary to the preservation of natural species that live in contrast to the island and also with the signs inside the PTCP of the Province of Bergamo. We all hope that the administration did not evaluate other proposals targeted to building its exploitation of local resources for commercial purposes in the public interest.
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