Click Spinello of freshly baked!
Click Spinello of freshly baked!
The first to launch and try out this idea was Masanobu Fukuoka.
Fukuoka says "... with this method of cultivation that does not use machines or prepared fertilizers or chemicals, you get production or more that of the modern media company. "
once used a lot of land, with a lot of work, money is not there (so no tractors) and produced little. Then there were the money (tractors, fertilizers, etc.) and productivity is increased. According Fukuoka there is a fourth factor, a real philosophy of life: the practice of "MU", the philosophy of "don'ts" of "laissez faire".
Fukuoka in 30 years (his philosophy born in the 40s) has recreated the "true nature" where the land is not worked with the plow, as the plants grow in a forest litter, weeds grow along with the beans ...
The 4 Principles of 'Natural Agriculture are
1. no tillage
2. no chemical fertilizer or prepared mixture
3. no weeding
4. no dependence on chemicals
"Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, the grass grows by itself"
Fukuoka's theory could also be traced to a passage from the Gospel of Matthew 6.26 "Behold the fowls of the air, they do not sow nor reap, nor have barns, it is your Father, the heavenly, who are thinking of feeding them"
Or rather, the man must take working with nature and not against . The development of the land is vertical, rather than monocultural, which means that it tends to eliminate or drastically reduce the consumption of flour-based products (wheat, barley, etc.) that could be replaced with other crops (chestnuts, hazelnuts, walnuts).
An example: the composition of the chestnuts is equal to that of rice and the nutritional content is like that of cereals.
The garden is done in the orchard. Weeds must be kept under control by mulching and seeding in the age of only vegetables. When they are older will no longer compete with weeds that even help against pests.
Everything is recycled: the dark waters are used to water, the sun to heat the water, the wind to produce electricity, fertilizer and manure to produce methane.
The six principles of permaculture are:
1. plan in height
2. respect the structures
3. work with multiple elements
4. identify the sectors (wind, sun, etc.)
5. define areas
6. maximize the effect of boundaries
The ethical foundations are:
a. take care of the earth
b. caring for the people
c. share resources
The "Permaculture" is the antithesis of capitalism, you can not make profits with it.
The point is that the outputs of production, the most important is "quality of life."
And here we discover that the input matches the output of Fukuoka Mollison.
The two methods have the same goal: the recreation of the world.